
Using Eureka Math Topic Overviews to Help Plan for Students with Disabilities

In our last post, we discussed the steps that you would want to take in unpacking a Eureka Math Module.  Now we want to review a strategy for planning around Eureka Math Topic. 

The first step that we will want to take is to review the Table of Contents for the grade level taught.  This gives us an idea of how the Eureka Math Topics and Lessons progress throughout each Module.  

Next, we want to read the narrative that outlines the content for the Topic.  This is when I like to get out my red pen and annotate.  I am usually looking for anything that will help me better understand the content. This makes it so I am better prepared to collaborate when co-planning. It also helps when I teach my own group of students. 

Because I am the special educator and strategy expert, I am always looking for ways to differentiate and provide scaffolding for students.  I look for opportunities to teach prerequisite skills “just in time” for students with math disabilities.  

When planning using a Eureka Math Topic it is also good to review the problem sets and exit tickets.  Determining how the story is told over the course of the Eureka Math Topic is important.  Seeing how each problem set and exit ticket adds to the math learning covered during the previous lesson also helps with planning.

I also want to make note of gaps in learning for my students and think about how I can support them in being successful.  What are the potential misconceptions and learning gaps that I need to consider? Also, I want to ask myself how the instruction and problem sets can be adjusted to meet the needs of my students based on the information that is included in their IEPs.  

When planning a Eureka Math Lesson, it helps to have a template to support with your planning. Click here to receive a FREE copy of a Eureka Math Module Planner.

2 thoughts on “Using Eureka Math Topic Overviews to Help Plan for Students with Disabilities”

  1. Pingback: Teaching Eureka Math to Students with Disabilities - Specialized Math

  2. Pingback: Teaching Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 3 - Specialized Math

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